The Gulf Coast is not particularly Octoberly, come October. Leaves don’t change, temps don’t dip, it’s pretty much August but with shorter days. Nevertheless, it is decorative gourd season, mothers, and my children and I went and sweated our tushes off in a corn maze because that’s how October is done.

Before diving in, we did the little tour around the grounds, as you do.

After getting home today, we all napped (heaven), and then drew faces on our pumpkins and watched Young Frankenstein (Me: “This movie isn’t scary, it’s funny!” Jack: “This funny movie is scary!”) Since Liam and I developed fevers during our naps, the rest of this weekend we’ll be holed up in the house, emptying Kleenex boxes and eating soup.
This month, we didn’t just do a corn maze . . .

It’s been an eventful, if still hot and sticky, fall. Now, on to Halloween!
That’s some sad-looking corn. But yes, you do what you do. I excited enough for the pumpkin farm/ corn maize visit that I’m taking S out of school for it. I love decorative gourd season. 🙂
Cool idea to go to the circus! I don’t recall a circus coming to us in a very long time. I’ve always wanted to ride an elephant.
Cute pictures 🙂