Catching Up!
Jack – I wrote this about you in April of 2012: Scared of monsters when he goes to sleep. Will you sweep wif me? Keep the door open and another door open and another door open. Talking about building Jack’s new house – make it strong, of bricks, so the Big Bad Wolf doesn’t blow it down. Hamburger instead of hammer. Duckly Duck instead of Donald Duck. I’m not gonna be your friend anymore. I’m really embarrassed. “My dear friend, mama.” Old McDonald – would sing it forever. Knick knack paddywack, 3 little speckled frogs, sitting on a hollow log. Going on a bear hunt. Starting to eat more variety and respond to reason at the table. Wants to sleep in Jack’s new house now (April), before it’s even built. Likes Miss Mary Beth, his teacher. Says that Jacques is very embarrassed a lot. Best friends are Jacques, Ruby, Merritt, Carter, Josie Mae, and Miles (these are who he talks about). Loves to carry his trains around, loves the flashlight.
On May 11th, I noted that you asked to go to “Old McDonald’s” and get fries. You had to get some vaccinations at your 4 year well-child, and I said “Sorry baby, you have to get a shot!” Then later you told everybody – “The doctor SHOT me!” You call a bib a “ribbon,” headlights “headphones.”