Barbri Begins Amidst Festivities
I have begun the Barbri bar exam review course. I am chilling all by my lonesies here at school, listening to the class and taking notes. And also paging through the pix I took at yesterday’s graduation party in the Quarter. We all went to brunch downtown at the Court of Two Sisters, and enjoyed mimosas and grits and all manner of southern dishes. We began the day in the gorgeous courtyard, under jaunty umbrellas and a lush green arbor. Alas, the skies opened up on us, and we were chased inside. No matter – we lingered for three hours over champagne, OJ, and plates filled on repeated visits to the brunch buffet. Here are a bunch of pictures of fancy people:

After our brunch, the SBA had arranged for a band to come and lead us on a second line through the Quarter. We were all official, with a police escort, and we were the toast of all of the picture-taking tourists. They huddled under awnings out of the rain and took pictures of us as we partied down the street, carrying drinks and umbrellas and our commemorative hankies, soaked to the skin and giddy with mimosa-infused joy.

The band, unshrinking in the rain, led us to Jackson Square, where we danced and danced as the rain dried up and the skies turned blue blue blue. The end is the beginning is the end. What a glorious day.

Wherever did you get such a lovely necklace?
You would not believe the amount of comments I get every time I wear that necklace!
i’m very happy,i own a blog!