Whenever it rains in New Orleans, the streets turn into swimming pools. The boys, along with our upstairs neighbor, donned boots and puddle-stomped, while I supervised them and also a morning yard sale.
So this morning was a fairly successful group yard sale – we made over $100 total, and got rid of a number of things. The rest is going to Goodwill as we speak. I had to collect and clean the stuff for Goodwill anyway, so pricing it and putting it in the front yard was only a minor extra step. And spending the morning chatting with our upstairs neighbors and letting the boys run wild in the puddles was pretty fun.
Yesterday we spent the entire day in Mobile, making our final selections for our house. We picked granite, backsplash, fireplace tile, and carpet, marking the end of our intense period of Picking Stuff Out. I am by no means complaining – it was a fun process – but hoo boy, that’s a lotta choices. In any case, we also took some pictures of “Jack’s new house.” Jack, as you can imagine, was disappointed when he saw it, but we were thrilled.
Your lot is gorgeous! Congratulations!!!