Valentine’s, Updated
I was going to do a survey of Valentine’s days with my Valentine, when I retrieved from the dusty recesses of my brain the memory that I had already done that. (It was on a shared blog I wrote with some college friends, called the Wonder Women, and I miss doing it! I migrated it and all of my WW posts over here. But anyway, that’s why the pseudonyms are different.)
I’d love to update you on what happened in 2009, but it appears to have passed by me without comment on this blog, and how else am I supposed to remember? 2010 was similarly unremarkable. On February 14, 2011, I wrote the masses asking for advice on what law school class to take.
Apparently, we are not Valentine’s people. This observation is not belied by our planned activities for this evening – – I will be attending a class til 8pm, and The Professor will be loading his float. No, that’s not a euphemism – the parade he rides in rolls tomorrow, so all of the riders go to some secret spot downtown and pile on all of their beads and plush throws.
Romance. We haz it.
Anyway, Valentine’s day has been eclipsed by Mardi Gras, and that’s totally cool with me. When we have more money and see each other less (i.e. next year), I will probably want to have some sort of date in honor of the holiday, but right now I’m just looking ahead to tomorrow, when we get to shout for the Professor as he rolls by in his parade! Maybe he’ll throw me a plush heart. Meanwhile, I’m fairly certain I have some sort of red construction paper creation waiting for me at home, from my other dear little Valentines. From them and me to all of you – Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cute picture! I’ll have to remember the chalkboard idea.
They are ADORABLE!