Sadly, not a Wedding Update
I hate to disappoint, but I gotta get this one right, and I also gotta get some photos from somebody else (alas, my camera wires are still AWOL). Ergo, my wedding update post will arrive a few days hence. The very short version of the story is this:
I don’t know why, but knowing that she is wearing my mother’s dress makes me all weepy and stuff. Anyhow, lots more to come on the fabulous weekend of marital bliss, including stories about how Liam darn near ruined the whole thing, the very special gift each sister received, the wild bachelorette night, the unbelievable UNBELIEVABLE honeymoon suite, and a stunning affirmation of this union by Mother Nature.
In the meantime, however, I wanted to give myself a Woot Woot for having this blog up and running for over 6 years now. I missed my official blog-anniversary last month, so I’ll give myself a shout out now. I’m not a big fan of meta-blogging, or getting all weepy sniffly schmoopy over What This Blog Means to Me. I have plenty of areas of my life in which I apply mountains of analysis, asking “Is this worth my time?” “Does this cause more harm than good in my life?” “Is this too great an indulgence?” I never ask that about this little endeavor. It just is, it’s just something I do. It helps that this site is about as demanding as a hydroponic plant. Blog time expands or contracts to fit my needs. It’s the perfect activity.
Big thanks to any and everyone who follows along! It means something to me that this isn’t just a journal locked in my computer, but a public forum for friends (new and old, IRL and virtual) to follow along, and comment once in a while. I was about to veer into Schmaltz, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll just throw out a big MWAH to all my girls and guys who keep up with me and my family, as we continue to grow up, reluctant every step of the way.