Holidays and Celebrations,  Parents and Siblings and Cousins, Oh My!


The boys received their annual Halloween packages from two of their aunts today.  Every single year since I gave birth to my first little monster, two of my sisters have sent boxes of Halloween goodies to their spoilt nephew(s).  Sister #1 sent a spider mobile (which Jack both loved and feared), and some awesome Halloween socks.  Sister #2 (this is in order of age, not of affection!) sent an ungodly amount of Halloween fruit snacks, some pjs, and a few plastic bats.  Jack has been carrying the plastic bats with him everywhere he goes, and making a pfffft pfffft sound (that’s the sound of the bats’ wings, for the uninitiated).  He’s also wearing the pjs, and two pairs of the socks.  Liam is asleep, but he’s in for a treat when he wakes up!

Thanks, aunties!  Halloween spirit* ACHIEVED!

*Get it?  Spirit?  Get it?  BWAAHAAHAAAAAAA!



  • Corrie

    Aaaaaaaannndd I am the aunt who has never done this… Guessing by the two halloween cards I’ve already received and the limited number of possible aunts excluding myself, I bet I know who these two gift givers are. I’m disappointed in my inferiority.