Dear Friends,  Parents and Siblings and Cousins, Oh My!

Proof? Or Consequences?

If my internetting skills are remotely up to snuff, there should be a new link over there to your right for a new blog by an old friend: Proof or Consequences.  This friend is an actual writer by trade, having just completed 999,999 steps out of 1,000,000 towards her MA degree in communication (the millionth being the thesis, blarg.)  She has amazing taste, amazing experiences (CCL: please write about being an au pair!), and amazing skills (not quite nunchuck skills or bow staff skills, but she’ll do).  She is mama to a little brown adventurer, a toddler daughter who is fearless, charming, sharp, and really, really fun to watch navigate through the world.  Her blog is somewhat similar to mine in subject matter – sometimes about work/school, sometimes about her kid, sometimes about fun stuff they did, sometimes a rant about grammar (OK, I never rant about grammar – except superfluous apostrophes – but I do occasionally rant).  You would like her in person, and I think you’d like her online.  Give her a read.
And while we’re doing this, don’t forget Fanfreakingtastic.  Also a writer by trade, Carrie is honestly the funniest person I know, in person and on paper.  She has a novel that is well on its way to publication – in fact, I just remembered that I have its third revision parked in my email for months and I FORGOT TO READ IT.  FRIEND FAIL.  Carrie is an equine and feline devotee – and even if you hate cats and horses, you’ll love her take on them.  She, like me, “runs” – and I put “runs” in quotation marks because for both of us, running occurs at the speed at which most people stroll.  But we are stubborn and we persevere, and we continue to stroll/run until we have completed our course, no matter how long it takes.  Check out this, my all time favorite piece of writing by this woman, which she later turned into an award winning standup routine.
Finally, I’d like to use my third precious paragraph of this blog post to pressure my two youngest sisters into keeping their own blog.  Because I want to know about your lives.  And plus one of you never calls me.  YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Now I’m back to enjoying a stolen glass of wine on an early Friday afternoon, the last of the summer before school starts up again.  Ciao, bellas!


  • RG

    clearly my skills aren’t up to snuff, since I keep putting an extra space between paragraphs in this post, and it keeps deleting them when I publish. Apologies!

  • CCL

    Aw shucks. You are too kind. Thanks for the link love and the hundred other compliments you tossed in there. I’m happy to call you Friend.

  • Corrie

    It may surprise you to know that I have a blog. I started it when I was in middle school, left it for years, but have since come back to it between the years of high school and college. During the comeback, I changed all of the entries to private and I guess it’s more of an online diary than blog now, but I could convert back. It very possibly might be quite boring to read, though.