

My first 6 days of the summer associate program have spun me right around.  I’ve worked (or played) til 10 or so every single working day.  I also spent this past weekend with my boys, little and big, and my awesome mother-in-law who is playing momma to my sons for the first three weeks of my associate-ship (my mother will step in later in the summer).

So, my impressions after a week and a day, in bullet form because I write all the livelong day and I have no head left for writing anymore:

  • the first week away from the boys was a bit of a novelty, and I enjoyed the uninterrupted night sleep and the lack of poopy diapers.  But today was kind of tough.  I kept thinking about Liam all day.  The punks are fine, I just miss ’em today.
  • I really like the job.  But I’ll admit I’m not cut out for 8am-10pm every single day of the week.  For now, it’s fun.  But I won’t be one of those in the office every day and night.
  • There are a handful that are in the office day and night (I know – I’m there!)  But most people leave at 6 or before.  That makes me feel ok about this place.
  • Every single person is pretty awesome.  The partners, the associates, the legal secretaries and paralegals and runners and the whole nine yards.  Nice, friendly, funny.  I like them all.
  • My hotel is . . . ok.  It’s a smoking hotel.  I’m sure it has to be, seeing as how it is mostly full of rugged construction type guys, with the occasional super depressing teenaged mother or ancient lonely dude.  So that part sucks.  But the beds are comfy, it’s a good size, and it’s all set up how I like.  And it takes me about 20 minutes to get to work – just enough time to catch up a bit on NPR.
  • I like this town, a lot.  We’d be happy living here.
  • The work is fun.  I’m going to court tomorrow to watch some stuff.  🙂

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