You pulled up for the first time today! It was awesome! Unfortunately, I was so intent on getting video of it, I let you fall and crack your head! 🙁 I felt so bad – I could tell it really stung. But you did it over and over. You are super strong and TOTALLY FEARLESS. I love it. You just stand up in your pack n play and walk around in a circle, totally thrilled to check out a 360 view of the room. You still do the side to side thing all the time – sometimes it’s so pronounced, if I’m holding you you actually almost make me lose my balance. not bad for a 20 pound little guy! You love people, and putting things in your mouth, and you can commando crawl like nobody’s business, though the crawling with the tummy off the floor hasn’t happened yet. However you’re almost able to stand unassisted, which means we may skip crawling and go straight to walking! Yikes – not ready for that!
Your knees have gotten delightfully chubby, your ankles are totally fat, your face is smooth and round – in short, you are the Gerber baby. A little chunk a munk. I adore every inch of you: tickling your feet, touching your cheek, kissing your hairless little head (you have some hair, but not much. It’s still pretty thin!) You are excited by life, little guy – thrilled beyond measure at just about anything, and willing to express it through excited little chirps, dancing, moving those legs, even waving your arms in the air. I still love to hear you giggle, and you do it a lot. You eat just about anything, though fruit makes you more enthusiastic than most other things.
You think Jack hung the moon, of course, this is the way of younger siblings, but in a rare stroke of good fortune, he also adores you. I love watching you two together – you play pretty well, and you love to leap on him and crawl all over him.
You’re still my little baby, though. You like me to rock you to sleep, tucking your little head into my neck. You haven;t held onto my lower lip in a while, but you still grab clutches of my hair when you’re tired. You’re the sweetest, most cuddly, busy little guy, and I love our wednesday afternoons together. We’re getting pictures made in a week or so, and I’m so happy I get to capture this moment of your boyhood. I love you, little baby.