Go to Aitch Eee Double Hockeysticks, DST
I’m not sure how they can sense that the time is different, but the children are all aflutter today. Jack refused to stay in bed for his nap, getting up and coming out to me three times. In over a year in his big boy bed, this is the first time he’s ever done it. He’s now in there, across from his somehow-still-asleep brother, alternating between screaming bloody murder and demanding “You get me down, Mama. You get me down now, Mama!”* It’s very pathetic.
I’ve hit the bad part of the semester, the part in which I have a million things to do. I could have used some childcare this week, an important writing week for the Professor. I should have asked my mother to come and help us – but anyway she’s working now. Volunteering, but despite her lack of pay the job depends on her being there three days a week, I’m not sure she could have gotten away. I have 120 pages worth of papers to write, several dozen pages to read for Monday’s classes, and a number of jobs to apply for. I’m trying to maintain composure about it. Some days I do better than others. Right now with Jack begging me, very sweetly, “Pweese Mama, some juice? Come get me, Mama?” and the last few hours of spring break ticking down to a hectic Monday, I’m feeling very DIScomposed.
Nevertheless, it was a largely lovely break. After a lavish Carnival week turned into a repentant Ash Wednesday,** I spent the days with the boys, taking walks, going to the park, meeting some friends for lunch and others for dinner, and doing a few hours of work after 9pm when all the rest of the house was in bed. The hours of work helped me to enjoy the days of no work, and kept me from being hundreds of pages behind, so I’m glad I did them, but they don’t feel like enough. I’m definitely behind on sleep, what with tooth #7 currently on its way through and tormenting the baby. And I really need to wash the floor, since we did a trial run with potty training during the past few days. (A victory – he finally went in the pot for the first time! By accident, really, and he didn’t really notice, but we kicked up such a fuss over the achievement, I’m hoping he’ll remember and try to perform for us again!)
Not enough time, never enough time. Jack is finally quiet, and Liam is beginning to stir. Lord help me. I’ve been following my resolution to not mix work with watching the boys, and it’s been a good choice so far, but I’m terribly tempted to break it today. What I wouldn’t give for one week with a maid.
*After that didn’t work, he decided to try “You get me UP, Mama.” Fun with opposites.
**I’ve given up soda for Lent. I was drinking too many calories that way. I’m also considering buying no more meat at the grocery store for the duration of Lent – eating up what we have, but making meatless meals from now on. All in the name of losing these pesky final 10 pounds that have lingered since Christmas.
One Comment
You’ll get through it all, I know you will. You are awesome and capable. And in 5, 10, 15 years, you’ll remember those parades way more than the stressful 6 weeks that followed.