I Can Haz Law School Assitnz Plz?
Next term, I can do either a judicial externship with a federal court judge (presuming, of course, I get it, which is a big presumption), or a clinic (we have a Domestic Violence clinic, which I most want to do, and also an Environmental (my second choice), Civil Litigiation, Criminal, Juvenile, and maybe one other). I am not permitted to do both. I have also been nominated to serve as the Senior Managing Editor AND the Senior Notes and Comments Editor of my journal (I would not do both, only one, but I’ve been nominated for both). I can do either the clinic or the externship, and I can also serve in the Senior Board position on the journal if I want.
So, legal peeps. Any advice? I’ve gleaned some from facebook. Anything to add?
PS – I’ve always wanted to do a clinic, and planned for it, but then was told that an externship is a good way to rub elbows with the local community and perhaps find a local job, should I want one. And I love the Editor in Chief that we just elected for the journal, so working with him on senior board of the journal would be a great experience and cool for the ol’ resume. But I don’t want to lose my mind. (Of course, all of this is for credit so my actual course load would be much decreased.) SO CONFLICTED. AUGH.
Hmmmm. It seems like either the externship or the clinic would be good ways to get experience. The DVTO court would probably be really interesting and a great way to take a holistic approach to the problem.
And yes, definitely do the journal. Excellent for the resume.
New Kid on the Hallway
Based only on my own experience (so YMMV):
I have totally, totally loved being on the editorial board of my journal. But you have to be into all the geekiness of editing and production, or you’ll hate it, because it’s a lot of work.
I’ve also interned with a federal judge and am doing a clinic this year. I would try to find out exactly what it is you’d be doing in each of those. When I interned for the judge I met the judge, her 3 clerks, and her assistant, and that’s pretty much it. And unfortunately because of her/my schedule, I didn’t get to see much going on in court. Conversely, depending on the clinic, you could end up in court a *lot*, and every time you’re in court you’ll be dealing with the local legal community. And you will get a LOT of practical experience about how a case works, from beginning to end, whereas interning for a federal judge will probably be a lot of legal research and writing. I mean, I’m glad I did the internship, it was definitely interesting and informative and the judge is great. And I’m actually not super-enthused about my clinic right now. (Though that may be 3Litis more than anything else.) But in some ways, clinics are way more practical work experience.
But like Megan says, either will be a good experience!
If you are thinking about going into DV law (or environmental, or whichever), do the clinic! (If the clinic professors are good). My clinic professors were very respected in the local and national community for the field I wanted to go into, and they served as professional references for me. A judge could be a good reference too, but clerking doesn’t give you much of a taste for practicing an area of law the way a clinic does.
I know nothing about the legal stuff, but I have some experience with family stuff and long-distance relationship stuff. I’d do anything you can to pave the way for a local job. If all other options are about the same, I’d say you should work on doing what you can to live in the same town as your husband.
I second CCL’s emotion…you guys have been burning both ends for so long, I think whatever you can do to give yourself a break, you should do.
On the other hand, the journal sounds like something that would suit your talents and add a lot to your resume. Seems like a shame to miss out on that opportunity.