Categorizing Things is Overrated

Rounding the Corner on 8 Months

Today we played a game. You blew a raspberry at me. I blew one back at you. You studied my mouth pretty closely, and then blew another raspberry. We did it back and forth a few times. I was unable to replicate the game in front of your father – instead I blew raspberries in your face and you just giggled and turned away. I’m not gonna lie – there was a lot of spit involved.

You love to stand up and hold onto the back of the couch or the side of the Pack n Play – although you get stuck up there and sometimes cry in fear because you want to get down. You still do the side to side thing ALL. THE. TIME. It’s kind of funny.
You like to eat most stuff, though you’ll spit peas at me. Again with the raspberry – Jackson Pollack pea splatter all over my shirt. What a mess. You usually giggle, though, and look devilish, so I’m never mad. You are kind of a devilish kid. And also a little adventurous. You pull down the bumpers in your crib, and try to climb out the side. Plant your two tiny hands on the rail and grunt and groan and puuuuuuull, though luckily for us you aren’t quite strong enough to launch yourself over yet. Yet.
You’re rocking back and forth now, and sticking your butt in the air – very close to crawling. we don’t put you on the floor much, since we don’t have carpet. We should do it more. You are ready to rumble, for sure. You love to splash in the bath, and to reach for the bath toys and try to eat them. We put you in the bumbo in the tub, which is not made for bathing babies and is prone to flipping. you flipped yourself the other day, reaching for a toy, and nearly drowned yourself. Luckily dad was right there and flipped you back. You choked a second, blinked your eyes a few times, and then tried to dive back in. No fear!
I adore your dark, dark eyes. You are up for anything – always game – though you definitely love your momma. You hold my head and hair like I’m a lovey, and suck your thumb. Sometimes you’ll grab my hair with both hands (you do this to dad, too), and then look at us, waiting for us to tell you you’re being bad. Again with the devilish giggle. You, at 8 months, are beyond fabulous.
We’ve been struggling with the ear infections – you’ve had them pretty solidly since my last post, around Thanksgiving. It’s finally mid Feb and you got your first all clear since our Thanksgiving visit to urgent care in Nashville. I hope we don’t have to end up doing tubes one day!
You still love sitting in the stroller. You spread your legs wide to sort of brace yourself, and then turn your head side to side and just survey the scene. It’s pretty cute. You’re just quiet – placid – observing. It’s about the only time you are.
I love you, little Liam. You are the funniest little man. Such a joy. Such a treasure. You and your brother are such good buddies. Hearing you giggle is the highlight of my day. You’re my high maintenance little prince, my little dude, and I love you lots.
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