Almost three!
How can you be nearly three? It slays me.
You recently learned to open the fridge, and to climb out of your bed without permission. You are still pretty fabulous about staying in the bed, but will just appear in the morning or after nap sometimes – you are very quiet, and usually startle us when you do this. You never climb out when you’re not supposed to. As for the fridge, you love to open it and bring us juice when you’re thirsty. Pretty cute.
You’ve gotten a little bossy these days. You go through phases of intense love for things – the phases are usually short. First it was drawing. Next was dinosaurs. Now we’re on trains. You have this huge Thomas the Tank Engine floor puzzle that you make me do with you every day. each time you get a puzzle piece fitted, you clap and say “very good! you did it!” Your mimicking of us is pretty cute. I predict your next obsession will be Bob the Builder, I think, because I’m about to play a Bob the Builder episode for you.
Eating remains a challenge. You used to be a peanut butter kid, but now you’ve given that up and you’ll eat only yogurt, for every meal. “More applesauce please mama!” you yell each meal, after eating up your yogurt. We correct you, but you still call it applesauce.
You’ve recently made some strides toward potty training, including the shame-hiding-pooping and asking us to change your diaper. You always say that: “time to change your diaper,” instead of “time to change my diaper.” Cute. You continue to demand that Liam be involved in all activities. You still haven’t shown any signs of jealousy there, and I’m pleased about that. You’re a great big brother.
Things you say lately:
- You wanna watch the movie dinosaurs?
- I’m flying! I’m flying! (You make dad pick you up and fly you)
- Sit down right here (or some other command. You’re very bossy)
- What does Ella says? No No No! You Share!
- Singing Twinkle twinkle and skidamarinky dinky dink
- Mama? You back! (You say this to me when I come into your room to sleep next to you at night, if you’re still awake)