Everyday Adventures,  Jack

Puke, Html code, and the Backyardigans

I thought I’d try one of those nifty titles that collects a bunch of non-related items into a list and makes you think I’m going to link them in some profound way.

I am going to link them, but not profoundly.  Jack is very sick, so we are sitting on the couch watching the Backyardigans and I am fiddling around with my blog’s format in between catching vomit in my hands.  (In a towel in my hands, that is).  I have no skills in this arena (fiddling with formats – sadly, I have lots of experience catching vomit), so I’m relying on the cookie cutter themes that wordpress provides. I like this one.  I put in a personal picture as the header but it looked all pixelated and awful, so forget it.  I like cherry blossoms just fine.  Or whatever those are.

I’ve also put up a bunch of the links that I enjoy reading.  Not all of them, but I grew weary by the end.  Please don’t feel bad if I gave you a stupid or nondescript description (if you roll over the title you can see the description I gave).  I ran out of steam on these.  Nevertheless, I’m pleased that it’s no longer just the single link to Fanfreakingtastic (which is, indeed, as the title would suggest, fantastic, though it looked a little sad over there all by itself all these months).

I updated my About page to reflect that Liam is no longer pending, but has exited the womb and gotten his real name (recall that he is the Artist Formerly Known as Angus (not his real name)).  I did a couple of other things, but this is already boring me, so whatever.  I’m telling you what you could see with your own eyes, if you click over here and aren’t just reading me on google reader, like I do all of you.

Jack’s asleep.  I think the worst is over.  I hope I don’t get it.


  • EH

    I hope you don’t get it, too. I was going to say something stupid like, “I’ve been really lucky to only get one vomit bug from my kid” but then I realized that would be like calling the wrath of God down on me and um. I don’t want that.

    I like the theme! Nice and clean and pretty!