It’s exam season. I wish I could go “SHAZAM!” and make exams disappear. A tenuous link between content and title, but you’ll have to deal. As I said – exam week(s). I can’t believe I’m “wasting” time writing at all.
I went to our old home state the week before Thanksgiving to sing with my old band in our CD release. I stayed at my sister’s house, and marveled at how cozy and lovely it is. I love it! I can’t wait to go back. I got to meet the slew of babies born to my bandmates last winter. They inconveniently decided to procreate after I left the state, but I forgave their poor timing when I met their kids. One set of twins, one singleton, born within a couple of days of each other, all 9 months old right now, all delicious. I would post a picture, but my pix are too large and I don’t have time to figure out how to shrink them. Plus I don’t have these kids’ parents’ permission. How’s that for apostrophe usage, eh? Anyway, the actual show was so great. Like I’d never left. I miss doing it. I need to insert some live music performance into my schedule somehow. Maybe next year. 3L is supposed to be boring, right?
Thanksgiving was super. Except for the part where Liam got an ear infection. And the part where I think I may have the disease that gave him an ear infection because I have cold symptoms and my inner ears also now hurt. Other than that, though, I had a great time. I ran all over town with my baby sis, looking at potential wedding sites, trying to run interference between her and my mother. I think their relationship will greatly improve with a little distance, is all I’ll say about that.
I decorated the house yesterday while both boys napped. I was lightning quick. I’m not a huge fan of placing decorations on top of dust and dirt, but I didn’t have time to both clean AND distribute tchotchkes, so I went with the latter. I don’t even have time to look up how to properly spell that word, so if anybody can help a sister out with her Yiddish, please comment below.
So, in sum. me: possible ear infection. house: dirty but decorated (though still lacking a tree). boys: both sick, but perky. exams: lame. end of semester: exhausting, and approaching. christmas: can’t come soon enough.
PS Jack calls the Christmas presents “treasure.” It’s cute, until he nags you for the five thousandth time about how he wants to open some treasure, please can he have treasure, pleeeeeease treeeeeeeasurrrrrrre PLEEEEASE! I’m pleased that he’s saying please, but it is a painful lesson that I’m having to teach him lately: the corollary to “you can’t have it until you say please” is not “saying PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE will get you anything you want so keep on saying it over and over a million times til your mother’s head explodes.”
I can totally relate to the language issue you mention with saying “please” … I find myself getting so excited when Timmy finally learns or says correctly a new word that I find myself completely overindulging him as a reward. He was saying cracker over and over again the other day, but I finally had to say dude! You can’t have any more crackers, your belly will explode! I wish he was saying broccoli or carrot or something, haha
It was great having you back with us, and a perfect show for you to be a part of. You can post all the pictures of Savannah you want, and I’m sure the same holds true for Sean’s kids.
Treasure! Treasure! Treasure! Now, please.