Categorizing Things is Overrated

I Have to Get This Out of my Brain

This is so boring for you my readers, but I feel I must dispense with this handful of things so I can move on with my life.

  • My little bro just changed his facebook status to “single,” thus ending a 4 year relationship that we all thought would lead to marriage, and I’m sort of reeling.  Both because of the cliche of how we found out – people really do this? just  change their statuses? – and because I really loved this girl who I thought would one day be my sister.  Sigh.  I’m thinking of him a lot right now, and thus not thinking at all about Domestic Violence Law which is what I was supposed to be OUTLINING this morning, UGH.
  • I hate the theme and look of this site, and really wish I had the skillz and the time to make it look better.  I may tinker with it over Christmas break.  The categories are lame, the “about” page – does it even work?  I want a picture of some kind at the top.  Etc. etc.  Vanity, thy name is woman-caring-about-design-over-content.
  • My old, Windows Live Spaces blog just recently converted to wordpress, which is great because now I can merge the posts to here, but also bad because now all of a sudden when I comment on people’s posts my full name shows up.  AGAIN.  This is why I left Spaces in the first place, because I couldn’t get it to stop splashing my full, google-searchable name all over the place.  Arg.
  • However, I like the theme of that blog a lot better.  I’m sticking with this one, but I may try to figure out how to steal the look of that other one.
  • I warned you this was boring detritus.
  • My wee niece turns two years old today, and I LOVE HER LOVE HER LOVE HER.  And I wish I could squeeze her on her big day.  I also wish I could post a little video montage, like I normally do, but it’s going to be hard to squeeze it in.  We’re in the time crunch part of the semester, video posting seems indulgent.  But, family first.
  • I can’t believe my bro is single.  Oh.  The sadness.  I know this isn’t about me, it’s about him, but it’s a little bit about me, right?  Just like my little sister’s wedding is a little bit about me.  My life changes in a big way whenever something big happens to one of my siblings.  So I will permit myself some tiny bit of mourning over this.  Though not in his presence, of course.
  • Thanksgiving, what with the freshly-engaged sib and the freshly-broken-up sib, is going to be one hell of a tricky weekend.  Maybe I’ll just hide in my room and do homework.


  • PRW

    Hint: you may want to explore converting categories to tags, recategorizing, and adding a tag cloud widget (enhanced creativity & flexibility). WordPress themes are flexible & not too hard to change, it’s just a time expenditure. Call on me for assistance.

    Sorry about your bro.

  • k

    Have you confirmed the status change is real? My cousin accidentally set his status to ‘single’ last week — causing a similar uproar among the family, who love his long-term girlfriend who we assume he will eventually marry when his income is steady enough for him to contemplating actually getting married. He spent several days apologizing to people for the mistake. (We think it was a mistake. Maybe it was actually fallout from a fight. In any case, his status is now set back to “in a relationship with X.”)

    I guess I mean to say that, if you’re just going off FB, confirm in person first. And if you already have, well….damn. That sucks.

  • RG

    Yeah, I know, it happened to my now-engaged sister that way a couple of months ago – her friend changed it as a joke, which I luckily only caught after it had been changed back. But he has confirmed. In a “yes it’s true now leave me alone” kind of way. BLECH.

  • EH

    Can’t help with your brother (my brothers are prone to similarly stupid moves) but I can help with WordPress tech support if you need it over the break. 🙂

  • Secretstar77

    Sad bear! I hope that when he’s ready to talk about it, he turns to you, oh Wise and Kind One.

    Just come to Portland, OR, for Turkey Day! The Boy and I might be there to meet up w/My Sis …