Sometimes I Get Hepped Up and Think I Know a Thing or Two

Help Them Help Her

I’m in a Domestic Violence Law class this semester, a class that should have the alternate title: The Most Depressing Class You’ll Ever Take.*

In short, because I have two exceedingly short people at my knees who are being exceedingly needy right now, my friend teaches a class.  This class is trying to get a Pepsi Grant for a DV shelter in South Carolina.  This class needs votes for their idea.  They used to be 160th, and rocketed up to 88th, but have since stagnated at that ranking.  They need to be in the top 10 to win.  I would love to help them.

I owe my friend big.  This friend coordinated my wedding reception, for which job I paid her with a pair of monogrammed slippers.  SO NOT AN EVEN TRADE.  Besides owing my friend, I owe the DV women of the Carolinas.  I myself was beaten by a boyfriend for three years, back in my early twenties.  It was awful.  I escaped.  These women need help escaping.  The legal community, and the community in general, makes it exceedingly difficult for women who are beaten by their husbands to get out.  For example, often, it is a choice between staying with the man and keeping her kids, or leaving the guy and abandoning the kids.  Which is no choice at all.

Not asking for money.  Not asking for time.  Just a little clickety click on this here link.  Every day in November.  😉  To make it easy, I will post the link every day in November.  And to be compelling, I’ll be giving a little DV Law Fun Fact each time!

Pepsi Grant

DV Law Fun Fact for today: A man who is an adjudicated batterer (i.e., the courts have recognized and ruled that he batters his wife) is more likely to win full custody of his children than a man who is not.

Doesn’t that suck?  Won’t you click my friend’s link?

Thanks to all!  Stay tuned for more depressing DV Law facts!

*With The Possible Exception of Sexual Molestation Law – am I right, EH?

One Comment

  • Claiborne

    You are awesome. Thank you so much for helping! Also, you can send a text vote for no additional charge (beyond your own texting plan). TEXT 103648 to 73774.

    Also, I had no idea you were ever in an abusive relationship. This breaks my heart. You are so strong…I can’t imagine what happened to put you in that position. Would love to hear your full story some time.

    I am sorta looking forward to DV facts. If nothing else, they’ll help motivate me more to spread the word.

    Thanks again, G! I may owe you a pair of slippers after all this. 🙂