Jack,  Liam


It’s just one of those days, those days where I have a million things to do but can’t settle on which so I wander around the house wondering if I should train for Saturday’s half marathon (it’s my taper week, but I still have to get a few miles in), or advance the Moebius strip/laundry pile one step through the process, or read for Admiralty, or research for one of my three papers, or deal with that medical bill issue, or make that phone call.  Or take a nap already.

So instead of doing any of those things, for which I have no heart today, instead of being responsible and on-top-of-things, I’m taking the afternoon to go look for bright green, yellow, and red felt to make my baby a parrot costume.  Hooray for Halloween, saving me from a wasted afternoon.

Pictures to follow, of what will surely be a disaster.  I may also search for white cardboard in order to make a sign that says “I’m a parrot,” as I’m not certain that my crafting skills will allow me to translate brightly colored felt and a red onesie into something that is demonstrably PARROT.  Or even at all birdlike.  I figure if I’m solid on the beak styling, then people will at least understand he’s supposed to be a bird, and since his brother and I are going to be pirates, that should be a further clue.

Arrrrr, matey.  Wish me luck findin’ me bootey to make me little swashbuckler a fine feathered friend fer his shoulder, arrrrr.


  • EH

    Love the costume ideas! Although I can’t imagine actually making anything that remotely resembled something parrot-like – even with step-by-step instructions. I hope we get pictures. 🙂

  • LEO

    I’m impressed by the costume creativity. We got Timmy a frog costume because he’s obsessed with them and now we’re trying to figure out how to build from that…we’re thinking PJO can be a prince and I can be a princess. Lame unless all three of us are together…and even then, still very possibly lame!