Look at me, squeezing in another entry
I also wanted to say that you have just recently started having your animals act things out. Since the bulk of your language is still nonsense, we can’t understand what’s going on, but you are so expressive and emotive that lots of times I can sort of get the gist. Usually the alligator is eating the shark, or the bear is fighting with the lion lovey blanket, or some other horrifying smackdown. There’s lots of yelling. It’s so cute.
You love Blue’s Clues right now – did I mention this already? – and because lately we’ve watched a lot of Blue’s Clues, you know the song and you sing along. You shout “paw print!” and “Cwues!” and “think, think, think.” And you do the motions like Steve on the show. I lvoe it. I’ve tried to catch it on video but haven’t gotten a perfect one yet.
We take you swimming most days this summer, and you love it. You call it swiiiiiiimmin’, emphasis on the first i. If we ask you if you want to go swimming, you shout YETH! so enthusiastically, it melts my heart. Really, I have very few complaints about parenting you at this age. You have the odd tantrum but they aren’t bad. And you’re so solicitous of your brother!