Jack,  Liam

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother

Jack asked to hold the baby today.  And then my heart exploded.

He did really well.  God knows why he wanted to do it suddenly today, but he kept insisting “Hold baby, hold baby” and holding out his chubby arms.  So we sat him on the couch and put Liam in his arms.  Jack cradled his head well, and wrapped his dimpled hands around his baby brother’s waist.  And then he just sat there, kind of zoned out, forever.  I’d almost trust him to hold the baby for me sometimes to give me a break, except that when he wants to change positions, he just flings the baby away, makes himself  comfortable, and then asks for him back.  Liam looks quite put out when this happens, as you can imagine, and I only just saved his little newborn head from pitching off the couch and into the coffee table.

He never wanted to stop, and we had to manage a tantrum when we finally took Liam away.  It was like an hour, though, I swear.  Do you know how often a two year old will sit still and quietly for an hour?  Never, that’s how long.  We had no tv on, no music, no nothing.  Just silence and holding the baby.

One of the coolest things about having two kids, the thing I didn’t really think about before Liam came, has been watching them interact.  Liam gazes in Jack’s face and smiles at him, which is about the extent of Liam’s abilities at this point.  Jack shows Liam things, tells him things, puts his paci in his mouth, holds his hand, and will pick up his legs and feet and help them “kick” a ball or grab a rattle.  Most of this he does far too roughly, but still.  It slays me.


  • sunni

    loved this story! it’s the most amazing thing to watch my girls. they are the worst of enemies and the fiercest of rivals, but at the end of the day, they are the best of friends. and life just doesn’t get any better than that.

  • RG

    Pictures on facebook! And I know one day they’ll fight incessantly – some day soon, I’d imagine – so I’m really enjoying Jack’s clear and sweet fascination with his little bro. While it lasts.