3 Weeks Old
I’m sleepy because of you, my darling, so I’m not even going to attempt to be prosy or cutesy or structured. Stream of consciousness, here we go!
Your birth story I’ve detailed elsewhere, and I’m so glad I wrote the thing the day after you were born, because it’s been non stop since then. From day one you’ve been holding up your head. No control, but still – you lift it way up. You are very strong. Your eyelashes are almost nonexistent, hiding in the folds of your lids – you have such deepset eyes, everyone thinks you look just like your Aunt Amanda. I can see them when you sleep, though, sandy colored, short, just peeking out and laying on your cheek. Only the last couple of days, you’ve found-ish your voice, mostly by accident. I love watching you try to recreate the noises you make. We have mostly silent conversations a lot at night. You are sticking to your fetal pattern of being pretty much up til 4am, then sleeping soundly from 4-10 or so. Last night, you were in a festive and chatty mood, and we talked for several hours. Or rather, I begged you to close your little black eyes and go to sleep, and you sort of smiled and grunted at me.