
Bundle of Blues

We have a lovely apartment, and I’ll be happy to get the hell out of it for more than 20 minutes.  Which will happen at some point in the future.  I know it will.  But since I’m force feeding my little bundle of joy every two hours in the day (to allow for longer night sleeps), and my little bundle of joy can’t leave the house because of (a) germs and (b) the ridiculous oppressive humid hot heat out there, cogito ergo sum*, I am kicking it in old 4769 Main Street** day in and day out.  This is how it goes, I remember, but I also recall long walks around the neighborhood in North Carolina in April of 2008, when Jack was new and the temperature was in the 70s.  I think April is about the best month of the year to birth a baby.  June in a more reasonable (i.e. northern) state would also not be bad, but down here it is dangerously hot at all times of the day and night, and so me and my June baby never step over the front door sill.

Pardon me while I go feed him again.


I just hate to see my last extended period of time off fritter away.  The days seem to fly, and suddenly it’s 5pm and I’ve done nothing.  I don’t like doing nothing for more than a day or two.  And the pages of the calendar flip faster and faster, like in a movie, and August is bearing down on me, and yet here I sit, not going to the aquarium, not going to the zoo or the children’s museum or the library or the coffee shop or on a walk or a hike or any of the fun things I want to do in this last “summer vacation” with my boys, my last period where I will be able to measure time off in weeks until I retire.  It’s enough to give anyone the blues, really, right?  Then you add in the state of my body at the moment, the fact that I’ve cut out all desserts (in order to improve the state of said body), and that all of my Netflix are currently in transit, and really – what is there to get excited about when each day dawns?

Ah, to add insult to injury, I just got the bill from the hospital.

*Anybody get this reference from The Office?

**Obv. not the real address, homies


  • EH

    Enjoy doing nothing! (I know, it’s hard for me, too.) It’s all good – quiet time, bonding time, cementing your family. There will be enough time for crazy scheduling later.

    Or: I mean, good lord, woman! You just had a BABY! 🙂

  • LEO

    Maybe you can do what the senior citizens do and go walk laps at indoor malls where there is a) air conditioning and b) new scenery.

    But, you have my sympathy. bad weather sucks.