Getting Close at 36 Weeks
It’s been a rough few weeks, son, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been having a hard time envisioning being your mother when you’re out of the womb, because I’m so tortured by you in the womb. The breathing trouble you’ve caused (I’m SO curious to see if there’s a reason, like you’re super super long or something) has given me some nights where I genuinely thought I would lose my mind, and that I would have to demand a pre term elective C section. But I’ve learned some coping strategies, and am able to sleep at least a couple of hours a night, so I’ve calmed down on the talks of elective abdominal surgery and of giving you that poor pre term start to life.
Appreciate me, child. This has been extraordinarily hard.
Started having mild, irregular contractions on Thursday, May 20th. 2 a day, 3 – barely noticeable. Felt very little over the weekend, but starting Monday May 24th had more like 4-5 a day. Tuesday, more of the same, 1cm dilated but not effaced at midwives appt. As of Wednesday, May 26, having a contraction or two an hour – irritating, but not very painful. Feels like mild diarrhea or menstrual cramps. Lots of downward pressure from your head, which feels like it has a bristle brush attached to it. That hurts more than the contractions. Very tired, irritable, otherwise trooping along. Today is Thursday, and I’m officially 36 weeks. One more week til full term, and I wonder if this is going to be one those situations where I have contractions for weeks and it never kicks into full gear. Since I got 7 hours of sleep last night after a lovely prenatal massage yesterday, I feel pretty good, like I could go til mid June. We’ll see if this blissful sleeping at night thing lasts.
I still can’t wait to meet you, and not just because I can’t wait to no longer be pregnant. But I would appreciate it if you’d stop balling yourself up in the northern rib area, and spare me the gasping, mmmkay??