Categorizing Things is Overrated

Bullet Points

  • I have figured out how to conquer the Insomniac Blues – through projects!  Instead of viewing this as time spent not sleeping, I’m going to view it as extra time in my day for Getting Stuff Done.  Today I made a list – one that mostly involves digital picture and video organization, though it probably should involve sweeping and mopping my floors and other housework (oh, the animal hair).  The surest route to an early delivery is putting myself in the middle of a complicated creative project that I want to finish up.
  • Pretty much the only time in my life that I would buy and eat a whole candy bar is during pregnancy.  As this pregnancy nears its end, I’ve begun a frantic daily revisit of all of my favorites: Twix Wednesday, Snickers Thursday, Baby Ruth Friday, Butterfinger Tuesday (Monday we had birthday cake for the office birthdays, so instead of a candy bar I had two pieces of triple chocolate heaven). I’m hoping to achieve maximum weight gain before this kid arrives.
  • Speaking of weight gain, I found a local half marathon in the fall, which has been my idea for baby weight loss motivation.  October 30.  I’m all about it, except that running outside in the heat to train doesn’t appeal.  Do they make double jogging strollers?  Ones with AC?
  • This weekend I’m getting my hairs cut.  It’s been nearly a year – I’m treating myself.  I pondered a pedicure, but I’ll forgo that because of the fumes.  This poor kid’s bloodstream is full of smelly BP oil as it is, I shan’t exacerbate the situation by parking myself in a nail salon.  Instead, I shall limber up with my yoga tape and paint my own nails.  I’m thinking hot red.
  • In other mama spoiling news, tomorrow evening is my prenatal massage, a Mother’s Day gift from the boys.  Haircut, candy bars, massage – oh man, this is the best week EVER.
  • I’m reading up on nuclear waste disposal for a work project, and boy howdy.  If you ever want to be kept up nights, read a little bit about the Nuclear Waste Disposal Act of 1982, and how nuclear waste is being managed right now.  A quote “a single drop of water from a spent fuel pool could kill half the people in a crowded theater within 15 minutes.”  Shiver me timbers.
  • I’ve been having mild and irregular contractions for the past couple of days – uncomfortable, but a good sign that I’m nearing the end.  Though he’s still firmly rooted high in my torso, I am at 1cm at this point, also exciting news.  I won’t be full term til next week, but at this point I’m close enough that if I went into labor, they’d let me go on ahead.  It’s unlikely that I will go any day soon – I was 1cm with Jack for weeks – but it’s kind of like a little ray of hope.
  • Also, the midwives told me they’ve had a couple of women suffer the breathless, panicky wakeup problem that I’ve had.  There’s nothing to be done for it besides delivery, but they did tell me that the women were able to breathe freely through labor, which is something I’d worried about.  I guess the baby will drop down only once labor starts, but at that point I’ll have my lung capacity back.  Just in time to really need it!
  • I have this cute red maternity dress, and every time I wear it I get zillions of compliments.  I should get a picture.  I’m thinking of putting it on every day from here on out.  🙂
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