Law School,  Pregnancy Sucks, Dude

The Job

As I’m up, struggling to breathe YET AGAIN, God help me this kid had better be adorable – as I was saying, as I’m up, I thought I’d give a little rundown on how things are progressing on the work front.

I really like about 90% of what I’m doing.  The other 10% involves reading really ancient deeds of sale, haphazardly typed in teeny script, trying to make heads or tails of ambiguous language in them, so who can blame me for not being into that?  But the rest of my assignments are really interesting, the lawyers I am working with are great, and they have free sodas in the break room.  Score.

I had a week where I was the only intern – they kindly allowed me to start a week early so that I would be more likely to finish a full 6 week period before birthing this mammoth lung squashing child.  Today I began my second week, and my three fellow interns joined me.  They are all lovely – there is one other 1L like me, and 2 2Ls.  It’s nice not to be all alone in my cubicle farm, and we had lots of meet and greets today, which meant FOOD!  and PARTY!  A corporate legal department, so they tell me, is much more laid back and chill than a firm, because the lawyers aren’t facing the huge billing pressure.  Most everybody here works from 8:30ish to 5:30ish generally, and they are happy to stop and chat with you about the law, a legal career, and (in my case, because it is the obvious topic) having babies.  I haven’t met a mean person yet.  The only thing that would make this job better would be a full night’s rest before each working day, but are you sick of me complaining about that yet?  Because I could go on.  Seriously.  I can’t tell you The Crazy that is thinking about your every breath, sucking in air like you’re breathing through a skinny snorkel.  There are plenty of moments when my breathing is completely unrestricted and fine, but in the moments that it isn’t (which tend, for some reason, to come late at night), it feels like time has stopped and I will never be normal again.  I have no idea what it is about this pregnancy and baby that is causing this, because I had nothing like this with Jack.  All I’m saying is, I will not be surprised if this child is 30 inches long.  And as disappointed as I would be not to earn my full pay for a full 6 week internship, I would be VERY HAPPY GOD (ARE YOU LISTENING) to give birth the moment I hit 37 weeks/full term.  Which is 2 weeks from Thursday.  Mmmmkay?

Wish me luck surviving these next few weeks with my sanity intact.  If you do, I’ll promise to stop complaining about it.

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