Categorizing Things is Overrated


Your second birthday was pretty low key, but I loved the aquarium cake I made for you. You didn’t – it made you a little scared for some odd reason! But you got over it and ate all of the chocolate goldfish off the top.

Lately you’ve started to say bye bye, see you soon! It’s pretty cute. You add words every day, which is a relief to dad and me. Another word you say pretty clearly is dirty – you say doo-tee, doo-tee, and it’s pretty adorable, too.
As of a couple of nights ago, you’ve been sleeping in a big boy bed. You get a whole double bed to yourself, our spare room bed, because we don’t really have room to squeeze in a toddler bed. We’ll wait til you and Liam are a little bigger and then we’ll buy you some nice bunk beds to share, but for now this works. You sleep with your face pressed up against the mesh of your safety rail. Don’t ask me how that could be comfortable. So far you haven’t figured out that you can get out of it, and you stay in there and go to sleep just as if it were your crib, though it seems to take you a couple of hours to fall asleep at night.
You had a great checkup yesterday, and everything looks good. You’re a healthy, strong boy, 35.5 pounds (oof!) and a little more than 3 feet tall. As we move forward into a NOLA summertime, we can’t wait to take you swimming and get out your little water splash table for you to play in. I love playing with you. I’m a little sad about 6 weeks of full time work, but after that I’ll have a totally free couple of months to spend with you and your brother. I’ll be busy with Liam, but you’d better believe I’ll make some time for you, kiddo. My heart’s delight.
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