
Bits and Bobs

  • This article on Pioneer Woman has me drooling, dying, crying for a garden.  Even though the last thing I need is something else to take care of.
  • I broke a plate last night, with a spectacular crash.  4 years since our wedding, our first lost plate.  Not bad!
  • Exams!
  • I did register for next term.  Two of the classes I really extra super duper wanted . . . I’m WAITLISTED for.  How LAME.  (Civil Litigation and Domestic Violence, both classes that have tons of practical practice type stuff, like taking fake depositions, witness statements, etc., and are taught by fave professors, hence their being filled up by 3Ls.)  So I registered for two others I really wanted (Natural Resources and Evidence), one I sort of think might be interesting (Intellectual Property), and one I feel sort of obligated to take (Business Enterprises).  No classes on Friday!  Woot.
  • Jack has suddenly turned into a mimic.  It’s wonderful.  A few days ago, he started CALLING ME MAMA.  My GOD.  I thought the day would never come.  He also counts.  To two.  And says some of his ABCs, starting with A, and getting all the way to A.  And if you ask him how old he is, he holds up five fingers and says “two.”
  • Exams!  I’d better go study.
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