Nearly Two
You dance constantly, at any hint of a beat. You just this past week or two finally started mimicking most of what we say. It isn’t the clearest, but you are clearly trying to say what we say, and it is welcome! A couple of days ago you couldn’t see me at the park, and you whipped around and said Mama, Mama. FIRST TIME, kiddo, and boy was it special. Now you seem to know I’m mama, and have called me that a couple of times. It’s really neat to hear. At last.
You are excellent at going to bed – you just say nigh nigh (both naps and nighttime), and wave, maybe give a kiss, and head on in. Probably for the last month you’ve been kissing like crazy, making a fish face and asking for kisses, making us kiss bear, making bear kiss the other bear. However, you still wake up sometimes at night, and now that you’ve figured out how to turn on and off the light from your crib, it’s kind of annoying! We’re going to put you in the big double bed with bed rails just as soon as we can get some ordered, so you can start learning to be in a big boy bed.
You have been picky as heck with food, but just lately you’ve started to expand a bit. You love lemons, and whole hamburgers, and you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by pulling it apart and then eating each piece of bread from the middle. This gets PB and J all over your hair, but whatever. At least you’re eating!
You climb in and out of your stroller because you love to take walks. We take you out a lot – so does your nanny, Laura – and all you want to do anymore is pick up and collect sticks. You just carry them around with you everywhere, and now we spend half our time trying to find ways to surreptitiously throw them into the trees or, if they make it into the house, picking up the shredded pieces off the floor after Virgil’s eaten them up. You and sticks, kid – it’s an affair to remember.
Your second birthday is in a week. We took you to the store the other day and picked out a few things for you – our house is overrun with toys already, but we love to give you new opportunities to learn and play and make a mess. I am going to try to make a special cake for you, and I’ve already wrapped everything up – in Christmas paper, but it looks neutral enough! And you’ll never know, of course!
This isn’t very well written, but I just wanted to get some things down.