Navel Gazing (and I Don't Mean Oranges)

Untitled on Purpose

It’s rainy, and lovely, and quiet in the house tonight.  Everyone but me is asleep.  Everyone but me and the feisty little kicker in my belly.  We are night owls, we two.

I have an early class, and need to get to bed, but instead I draw out this quiet time to myself.  I am almost never alone these days.  I don’t mind that. We, the Family Unit, spend an inordinate amount of time together, and I recognize that this is rare and will come to an end.  I will one day work 10 hour days again, and I’ll miss these law school years, which are flying by, leading me towards the inevitable 5:30 am alarm clock and daycare for the boys and packed lunches and, soon, soccer or softball or school plays or whatever they end up wanting to do.  There will be more money, and fewer worries on that front, but less time for rest.  Nowadays I snooze often on the couch, enormous casebook open in my lap.  I’m so much happier to suffer the indignities and infirmities of pregnancy when I have the luxury of a daily afternoon nap.

I have little of substance to add to the internet today.  Just a little notice that it is March 10th, 11:30 pm, and it is raining outside, and I am happy.

One Comment

  • butterflyfish

    Atty work product probably told me to add you but I may not have added you to bloglines. Got you know