Categorizing Things is Overrated

Another Day, Another Canceled Class

So, the end of the semester will be a flurry of makeup classes if this keeps up!  Because we have a babysitter now, I’m caught up in all of my reading through Thursday, so I’ll give myself a minute or three to write this Family Update.
Next Wednesday is our ultrasound, when we find out if we’re getting another healthy baby.  Oh yeah, and if it’s a boy or girl.  🙂  I truly don’t mind either way this time, since we plan on having three of these here babies.  If this is boy #2, I’ve still got another chance to give Patrick a Daddy’s Girl.  And I do love my boy #1!
Speaking of boy #1: His talking is slowly, sloooooowly advancing.  There’s progress, moving at the speed of a glacier, but moving.  He mimics us a lot more often, but it’s usually a one-off.  Like yesterday we said "Let’s get in the car!" and he said "car, car, car, car" all the way out the door.  But he won’t say it again, maybe not ever (well, not ever EVER, you know, but not in the next few weeks).  One new word he does say reliably is "Tickle tickle!"  He gets up on the couch and says "tickle tickle!" and we tickle him and golly, it’s cute.  Otherwise, when he feels like it he’ll decide to be brilliant and copy what we say, and if he doesn’t (the more usual state of affairs), then he speaks Chinese baby gaga at us and we keep talking back in English. 
He will not eat much.  I’ve started writing down what he eats for a few days, in anticipation of our well baby exam next week .  Turns out it’s more balanced and healthy than my perception, but definitely not too varied.  I want to see what the pediatrician thinks.  This picky phase began at 18 months or so, and he’s slowly been paring down acceptable foods until now we’re at almost nothing except fruit snacks, fruit, and bread.  A few weeks of it and we could ride it out, but we’re about to hit 3 months of Flintstone vitamins being his main source of nutrition.  I’ll ask her for tips, but most of the "hide the vegetables" recipes I read involve mac and cheese, or spaghetti, or sandwiches, or something that isn’t good enough for Jack.  He does like chicken nuggets, and I’m thinking of injecting V-8 into them or something.  I also sometimes shove things in his mouth – I know, what a mom! – and occasionally once he tastes it and then we leave it alone for five minutes, he’ll dig in.  But this rarely works, and I don’t want to escalate the mealtime battles until he feels he can’t back down.  Strangely, despite his pickiness,  he is still enormous and getting enormous-er.  That kid was just made big, I guess.
We have a dilemma with fitting baby #2 into our house.  Unfortunately, our one bathroom is located at the very back of the house, and we live in a sort of modified shotgun where you have to go through the bedrooms to get to the back.  (It’s modified because there are two paths – you can branch left and go through the kitchen and office, or branch right and go through the two bedrooms, and either way you end up in the same place).  If we put Baby in Jack’s room and Jack in the office, as we’d initially decided, then anytime the two were asleep we’d have to walk through one of their rooms to get to the bathroom.  Nicht so gut.  You want sleeping babies to stay asleep.  Also, I just found out that the office window has no lock.  We’d have to nail it shut if I was ever going to sleep at night, knowing my little man was in an unsecured room.  Dude, we live in a city, ok?  Anything can happen.  Including a fire, during which my kid would then be in a room with a nailed shut window.  Argh.
So.  For now, little beab will sleep in our room, and Jack will stay in his room, and maybe little beab will be a good early sleeper and then the kids can share.  Or we can move ourselves into the office, though I think it’s too small for a double bed.  Gah.  Who knows.  We’ll sort it out.  Anyone who’s been to my house have any ideas?
I’m off to the career center for them to look at my resume.  I will be participating in the spring interview program, though my career counselor did admit that nobody would hire me if I was visibly pregnant (which I totally am already).  She’s a mom, she’s just being real, and she’s right.  However, she and I agreed that the practice and the networking would be good for me.  I had to pare down my impressive three page epic resume of HR awesomeness into one little page of legal notsomuchexperience, so I want to see if it’s decent at all.  My GPA will probably be good enough to get some attention, even if my legal experience leaves a lot to be desired.  That’s kind of a sad state of affairs, I think, (that GPA trumps experience), but it is what it is and I’ll use it.  I got several cards in the deck stacked against me, at least this will be one ace.  (FYI, nobody from law school reads this, or I’d never talk about GPA.  How tacky.  Several people have asked me my grades, and I prefer the policy of saying "I did fine," and leaving it at that.  Never a good idea to share and compare – not exam answers, not grades, not job offers, nothin’!)

One Comment

  • Amanda

    There\’s no solid door, but what about dispersing some of that storage space in the laundry room for a big boy sleepy room. Still store all of his toys everywhere throughout the place, but a nice back room for naptime. Maybe even run the washer for a noise maker. 😉 And when baby numero two starts sleeping at a regular schedule, they can share a room. If you\’re still there.