Categorizing Things is Overrated

Must Get Up and Do

I have a resume to refine, if I’m going to get a (very short) summer job as a research assistant for an employment law professor.  Ironically, as deeply as I loathed the ways in which my employers twisted
employment law to further their evil ends, that avenue now seems my
best hope for a job – both temporary and permanently, if all of my
experience revolves around it.  Be careful into which job you stumble
at 25, kids!  You may be pigeonholed forever!  I have five weeks of summer break to work before the baby’s due date, should he remain inside that long.  I’ve been kindly informed by the woman in career services (a mother herself, who once pushed through a crowd for me when I had a bag of casebooks and Jack in my arms) that I shouldn’t share my pregnancy news with my potential employers, and be cagey about my reasons for unavailability after late June.  Having babies is a pain in the career, but I guess they’re worth it.  🙂

I also have a much belated birthday cake to bake, a bit of reading to catch up on, and a few household things to organize.  Instead I’m on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, watching James Bond.  Winter does this to me.  When it’s cold outside (and inside – our house, not suited for the cold, is poorly insulated), how can one do much else?  I’m pleased I’ve rustled up the motivation to bicycle into school on these chilly mornings.  I haven’t been sleeping well, for a variety of reasons, chief of which being I’m just plain not a good sleeper.  It’s no fun waking at 7am when I observed the hours between 2am and 6am, wide-eyed on the couch with a book and highly annoyed at being awake.

I must pause to remark that Daniel Craig is delicious.  Perhaps he’ll be my companion tonight, when the dog scratches himself or Patrick rolls over or a star outside shines too brightly in my eyes, and suddenly I’m awake for the duration of the wee hours.

Grades from last term have not been posted, and apparently we can expect to wait until at least early February for the last of them, though the first should start to trickle in soon.  Diabolical.  Classes this term are surprisingly interesting.  I like all of my professors, though one of them is a little too pleased with himself, but the material is interesting.  Constitutional history and interpretation – check!  History of the law of property – yup!  And Contracts II – much better this time.  So far I haven’t yet felt the compulsion to internet surf during class, a good sign.

I’d better go and prepare, before my little son wakes from his nap and wants me to wheel him around the house in his wagon.


  • Amanda

    I missed the call. I thought of him, but never made it to the phone. Did he get teh gift? Does it work in the US?

  • Gillian

    OMG, we have watched it forty seven times through already. It decidedly works. In any case, we had friends visiting us that day, and they kindly offered to watch Jack while we WENT TO A MOVIE. Gasp. So he wasn\’t available much of the day to take a call anyway, entertaining friends and WATCHING A MOVIE. IN A THEATRE. IT WAS SO AWESOME. (Incidentally, It\’s Complicated was pretty cute!)