That Farging Piece of Sharz Murphy and His Goshdam Law
Piss piss piss piss piss.
In other news, two hours of sleep separated the new year from the old for me. Dear friends and fun conversation kept us up late, and a dear cheerful son woke up bang on time. I took him to the park so everybody else could sleep a bit longer, and it was lovely, if a bit sleepy and very chilly. He swung on the swings, slid down the slide, climbed like a monkey. I put socks on his hands so they’d stay warm, because his mittens were trapped in a room full of sleeping guests. It’s about a four mile walk round trip, and I sang silly songs to him most of the way. He giggled like a maniac. We returned to a room full of friends and toasted bagels with honey, and I scrambled some eggs and we drowsily ate in the New Year. Later in the day, when most of the friends had left, I napped.
We still have a couple of guests, so I will have to detail Christmas in a few days once they’ve gone. We are enjoying their company. The new semester starts on Monday. And on and on it goes!