Categorizing Things is Overrated

Tears of a Clown, Redux

That post below was written several weeks ago, and I thought it would keep the original date, but it did not.  Anyway, in the meantime we discovered that Jack’s well child exam was improperly billed, and that my prenatal care costs a global fee for all visits except the first, so we won’t be suffering quite as much as we though in the bank department.  Canceling the ultrasound probably saved us fifty bucks, so it was a good choice nonetheless.  But it was a bummer.

This second pregnancy is very different the first thus far.  First of all, morning sickness has not been nearly as bad.  I get nauseous in waves, occasionally, throughout the day, and maybe half the nights/mornings.  Otherwise, nothin’ but a mildly tender stomach.  Second of all, I have that "lots of spit" problem, which I didn’t have at all the first time around.  It’s very weird.  Thirdly, mentally I’m in a different place.  I’m no longer the center of my universe, and thus have less time to feel sorry for myself.  I’m also much less delicate this time around.  Last time I was mildly nervous when lifting anything heavier than a pencil, scared of eating the wrong thing, convinced that activity could somehow shake the baby out.  I wasn’t a total princess, or anything, but I was mostly expecting to miscarry for probably the first half of the pregnancy.  This time, I am not a delicate flower.  I ride my bike to school every day, sling around my toddler, work out at the gym, and pretty much am convinced we’ll have a baby in June.  I’m hoping this confidence translates to the second round of newborn days.  I’m very nervous about doing another year of sleepless nights, with a toddler to chase after, no less.

I could feel the baby move in as soon as three weeks.  I felt Jack at 18 weeks, I just checked, and usually it’s earlier for #2.  In nine weeks, we’ll know whether we’ve got a he or a she.  In twenty nine or so – she’ll be in our arms.  🙂  The wonder of THAT doesn’t get any less exciting the second time around!

One Comment

  • Aimee

    i hope to be in the same place as you are when we decide to have another…right now all i can think about is the how…how do you go through everything with a toddler to take care of…so for now…i just concentrate on the one we have and keep putting off the next one…