Giving Thanks
This morning, I am thankful for:
- Black Friday shopping – on my couch, in my slippers, with a cup of tea and my laptop, yesterday’s blueberry muffins warmed and sweet.
- A healthy boy, after a long croupy night. He seems much better this morning, though we are all weary from spending the night in the bathroom with the hot shower running, humming lullabies.
- Bruce Cockburn’s Christmas album, playing softly now.
- Garlands and ribbons and lights, which we will pull out today, even though there are many other things to do.
- The dog, who ran away twice this morning and nearly killed himself in traffic. He is a pain, but I’m thankful we have him. Sometimes I have to say this out loud to remember it. 🙂
- A wonderful holiday with lots of family and a very successful Thanksgiving meal. A golden, juicy turkey; dried cherry and sausage stuffing; mashed butternut squash; brussels sprouts and cauliflower; garlic and Parmesan green beans; mashed potatoes with homemade gravy; dinner rolls; and four kinds of pie. We pulled out Patrick’s great grandmother’s silver plate cutlery, our wedding china, a beautiful cutwork tablecloth my mother in law brought from home. My sister in law bought roses. It was a feast for all senses, and I’ll remember it a long time.
- Our rotten cat, who has been plotting ways to devour the roses ever
since my sister in law brought them home for us. They’re on the
mantel. I can see her working out a plan to get up there. - My brother in law, who, when sieving the gravy, poured almost all of it down the drain, providing us with hours of entertainment at his expense.
- My niece, who learned about ten new words during the week-long visit. She is a smart, adventurous little peanut, and I love her.
- My husband, putting away dishes and stripping beds in the back rooms, while I sit out here and have some computer time. I love him, too.
- My babies. One, chasing the cat around the dining room table, picking up his slippered feet and slapping them on the ground, because he likes the sound. And number two, a little tadpole doing flips in my belly, her heartbeat strong on the doppler last Tuesday. We’ll meet him next June.
super jane
EEEKKKKKS!!! i am just now able to catch up on my blog reading. congrats, gill!!! i\’m so, so excited and happy for you!
OMG Congratulations! So exciting. You have so much on your plate I hope you get lots of help and extra love for the next 7 months!
WHAT? where have i been? a little behind i guess…congratulations…such excitement…by the way sometimes cold air helps with the croup too…dress him warm and take him out to the cool air…or open the freezer…