Categorizing Things is Overrated

I Guess I Should Reclaim My Blog!

I had big plans to write a big response post to my guest blogger, whose dilemma I think we ALL understand.  But I can barely manage these few boring sentences.  Dear anonymous blogger, if you ever return to see this – date the guy!  As long as "different from other guys" isn’t a euphemism for "inconsiderate," "bad news," "lazy," or any other negative trait – heck yeah!  Dive in, sweetie.  Interesting, heartstopping potential mates are thin on the ground, especially ones who treat you right.  🙂

Now, some unimaginative bullet points.

  • Law school is gearing up, what with job searching now being added to the load.  Patrick is working on getting published again before this round of applications goes out.  We have got to get a babysitter for this kid. . . ah, the trials of a dual career family.
  • There is a small contingent of law students who are bugging the hell out of me right now.  Complaining about being asked to write up a resume while we have so much reading to do . . . complaining (in an anonymous, schoolwide posting on the intranet, no less!) about a teacher talking about a case that wasn’t assigned for the day . . . complaining about all of this stupid nonsense that makes me think, over and over – Helicopter generation, Helicopter generation.  Gah.  It’s only a small number of people, but today they were irritating me to no end.  I want to shake them and tell them to grow up, for godsake.
  • Our health plan is SO BAD.  Preventative care is SO EXPENSIVE.  God help us if one of us actually gets ill.  We are one illness away from complete ruin, and we have health insurance!  Congress, get your butts in gear.  Political, partisan posturing is not helpful, and I wish I could say I expect better of you.
  • A hurricane’s a comin’.  It just means our parking space will flood and we’ll have to park down the street at Winn Dixie.  Pain.
  • Wonder Pets and Dora the Explorer are tied for my two least favorite kid’s shows ever.  That voice.  My eardrums.  Argh.  But Jack loves ’em.  He’s talking to Wonder Pets right now, excitedly instructing them on how to save the kitten on the driftwood in Venice.  Yeah.  I don’t get it either.
  • So, it goes without saying that I’m in a mood today.  Even grilled cheese for dinner couldn’t help.
  • I won my fantasy football game, though!  Thanks to the great coaching of my co football leaguer, who would rather I win than his brother.  🙂
  • I want to marry Tina Fey.  If she offered to leave Jeff Richmond for me, I think Patrick would be toast.  (I think he may say the same for Salma Hayek, though, so we’re even.)
  • This is the end of this uninspired post.

One Comment

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