
City Living

I have pages and pages to read for my 8:30 Contracts class tomorrow.  But just now I am watching our cat sleep luxuriously on the dining room table, our short-legged dog fervently and persistently testing all vantage points around her to see if now can I reach? Here?  Can I reach here?  How about here?  Can I reach her now?  Cat cat cat cat cat cat reach the cat cat cat cat can I reach here?  Etc.

I am myself enjoying the heavy-limbed ache that is the fruit of a punishing gym routine.  I feel stretched out, well fed, and pleasantly exhausted.  Today has been a day well-lived.  The air conditioner next door loudly whirs.  A distant siren wails, tinny and removed from me.  My son snores, and the cat.    Contracts beckon, but I hold the subject off for a few more minutes, and paint in my mind’s eye the memory of a Tuesday night in my first year of law school, mundane and yet lovely.  Few are the nights when I comfortably exist in my immediate circumstance, but this is one of them.

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