October Beckons
I do realize it’s still September, by the by, but football has started and a harvest-y themed Southern Living has just arrived, so I’m in an early fall, October kinda mood. This is the time of year that I make pot pies and beef stew and breads. I’ve already begun thinking about what Jack will be for Halloween (hint – it has eight legs and it isn’t a spider.) I would love to convince my dad to come down here for the holiday. He always did it up right when we were kids: every October 31, slapping face paint and fake blood on us from birth, playing Night on Bald Mountain as loud as the speakers would go, and scaring the crap out of neighborhood kids who came to collect their candy. My sister is coming down just prior to the 31st, and we already have big plans for our annual traditional Scary Movie Night. Young Frankenstein and The Shining are ALWAYS, ALWAYS on the menu on Scary Movie Night. OMG I think we may have to have a Scary Movie Night Preview this week, I just can’t wait.
Happy End of September, everyone. I have lots to read for Contracts, but with football on in the background and a harvest pumpkin ale in hand. Aaaaah, autumn!