Categorizing Things is Overrated

My Son, My Glorious Son

Multiple choice question:
Gillian is most excited about law school for which reason?
(a) she will expand her mind with lots of new and interesting knowledge
(b) she will begin a path towards a career that should afford more respect, more flexibility, or at the very least, more money for the concussion she is getting from hitting her head on the glass ceiling (not as much as the guys get, but still – more than now)
(c) she gets to move to a super fun city, where she can walk everywhere she needs to go
(d) she gets to spend more time with her son
If you answered D, then you win the prize!  I am ready to be spending more time with him Right This Second.  It’s his first summer, essentially.  I mean, he was technically alive last summer, in a non-responsive slug sort of way.  But this summer he is walking, talking (nonsense), interacting.  He is cute as a bug and I want to take him swimming and to the park and to the museum and on walks and to the beach and la la la, on and on.  Not only do I instead have to come to this boys club that is increasingly irritating me, but also our weekends of late have been jam packed.  So we can’t even do much fun stuff together on the weekends, me and my boy.  Oh, there are lots of years yet during which I will still be his A#1 Lady, lots of fun stuff that awaits us two.  But I feel so keenly how my marking time at this job is a waste of my time, time that could be so much better spent splashing at the pool with my crazy monkey boy.  Thus goeth my life, and despite my "senioritis" as I serve out my term, it’s still a good life.  And Jack gets to splash at the pool anyway, it’s just with his B#2 Lady – his babysitter, a lovely lady who bought a wading pool just for him.  So he’s doing just fine.  I am the one who is miserable in this office, getting carpal tunnel, not to mention fat, watching another lovely summer month whiz by my rigid, non-openable window.  Hey, at least I gotta window, am I right?
Indulge me, for a moment.  Let me tell you about the cuteness that my husband and I brought into the world:
  • Whenever he sees something he wants, his face lights up, he smiles a big smile, and he makes a high pitched aaaaaah noise.  Not an irritating, shrieking high pitch – more like the way I speak to him, when I’m being tender and all Momalicious.  He makes that noise and smiles at you, wiggling his eyebrows in a sort of "eh, waddaya think mom?" way, until I hand him the toy.
  • He walks everywhere now, dragging this bat shaped like a carrot that the Easter Bunny put in his basket.  God help us if we ever lose that carrot.
  • Taking things out and putting things in is The Big Activity these days.  He takes toys out of the bin, puts them back in the bin.  Takes dog food out of the bowl, samples some, puts the rest back in the bowl.  He takes clothes out of the drawer, and puts them in – the diaper pail.  I frequently find clean t shirts strewn along the hall or in the trash.  This is still cute, though it requires some vigilance on my part on trash-emptying day.
  • He talks non stop.  No words, except hey and dawg, which he pronounces ridiculously southern.  But it is a constant stream of musical babble.  He also sings babble in the car.
  • He dances to everything.  The spin cycle on the washer.  The dishwasher running.  And music, of course, when he always puts at least one and sometimes two index fingers in the air and rocks out.
  • He loves to hold the side of my pants when he walks.  Sometimes when they are drawstring pants, he pulls them down, and then sits on the floor, puzzled.

That’s enough cuteness for now.  I have to go home and see him! 

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