Categorizing Things is Overrated

What Else is New?

Our esteemed visiting Vice President let out a stream of four letter words (many starting with an "f" and a "c", classy) at a hapless forklift driver, essentially for not reading his mind.  Also, I can’t find a single man candidate for my job that makes less than 50% more than I do (did you follow that math?)
Whatever, sayeth I – take this ridiculous job and shove it where the sun shineth not!  Haha!
I’ve backed away from the ledge.  I’d rather default on my mortgage than continue to line these creeps’ pockets, and that’s the truth.
In other news, I collected a bookish survey from a favorite law school blogger, and will herewith post my answers.  Also, I finally broke down and got my haircut.  I went to a cheap place in rural North Carolina, and thus now have a Rachel, circa 1993.  But it’s better than Cousin It (Cousin It Who Cuts His Own Hair with Tragic Results,) which is what I was previously sporting.
Stay tuned (I know you will) for my book meme!
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