Categorizing Things is Overrated

18 Days . . .

  • Check this out – it is a link to a story about Disneynature, a new venture whereby Disney vows to make a documentary about the beautiful earth at least yearly (and to monitor their carbon footprint as they do it).  Also, if you go see their first movie during opening week, they will plant and tend to a tree in the Brazilian rainforest.  I have a special place in my heart for the Planet Earth t.v. series, since it is what helped me sleep during the first few weeks that Jack was here.    I would love to see this movie (by the same filmmakers) in the theatre if we can.  I also love the idea of cultivating affection for the planet, and in that way encouraging conservation.  This is a much more effective strategy than finger wagging, evangelistic environmentalism.  (One could say the same for religious evangelism, actually!)
  • So we have quarterly fire drills, which I am in charge of planning.  I planned one for today at 9:30 am.  And guess where I was at 9:30 am this morning?  That’s right, I was in the, er, facilities.  I was in there doing my thing and thinking "I wonder what time it is?  Wouldn’t it be funny -" and before I could finish the thought, I heard the Ree Ree Reeeeeee, Ree Ree Reeeeee of the alarm.  40 frantic seconds later, I was outside taking attendance and realized that I’d missed all my belt loops and my shirt was only half tucked.
  • This past weekend was pretty much perfect.  It was just one of those weekends where you’ve planned tons of fun stuff, but not overplanned – where your energy level matches your roster of activites perfectly.  We had a show at a bar Friday night that Patrick actually got to come and see (thank you, sister, for watching our kid and letting us have a date!)  Saturday morning we met some new friends at an Easter Egg hunt – a somewhat terrifying affair with hundreds upon hundreds of children fanning out over a massive field, like a bunch of locusts or something.  Jack was sort of intimidated by the whole thing – and fair enough!  After the hunt, Patrick went to work and Jack took a four hour nap.  FOUR HOURS.  It was delightful.  I managed to clean out 75% of the shed in that time.  After he woke up, we went over to his friend Darwin’s house for lasagna (Patrick met us there.)  Darwin and Jack are just a few weeks apart in age, and they were really interacting this time, which was cute (Jack did get bit, poor wee man, but he survived.  Won’t be the last time.)  Sunday we had a leisurely morning, and then I headed off to a recording studio to begin recording the band’s third album, while P&J hung out at home.  Aunt Amanda again saved the day, coming over to watch the baby so Patrick could go see opening day of the baseball season.  And then Monday came, and knocked me sideways.  But I’m clutching onto the good feelings that the weekend brought, and they are keeping me afloat!
  • 18 days until my kid turns one year old.  I am working on a video.  I am struggling with keeping it short.  There is so much.  God, I love my kid.  He is really just a delight, even when he’s not acting delightful.  Being a mom just suits me right down to the ground, I tell you!  There seem to be two camps of mother-writers out there – the camp that says Parenting is really hard and exhausting, but it can be fun!  AND Parenting is really fun, but it can be hard and exhausting.  Each camp has a valid point, and I don’t think that how you fall on the spectrum has much to do with how good a parenting job you are doing.  That said, I definitely fall firmly in the latter category.  I find this much more fun than it is hard.  Maybe if I was a SAHM I would struggle more?  Who knows.  Right now, even as much as Jack complicates our already complicated life situation, I am so beyond grateful that he exists, right now, as he is.  I think of him and smile a big stupid grin.  I miss him today.
  • Easter’s coming up!  Patrick finds my enthusiasm for Easter egg decorating, baskets of goodies, and Easter bunny tales kind of funny.  But hey!  Such is the stuff that the magic of childhood is made of.  We are the parents now.  And if you thought it was fun to be a kid on Easter/Christmas/birthday mornings, let me tell you that being on the planning end is even better.
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