Yesterday we were chillin’ in the cramped confines of our “office” – which is really a tiny bedroom that has the tv, computer, a bookshelf, and a couch squeezed into it, leaving almost no room for people. Also in this room are piles of Dad’s books and two big file boxes that we dragged out of the shed for tax time.
We plunked you in the middle of this room and tried to prevent you from (1) eating the dog’s bone, (2) eating Mommy’s paper files, (3) hitting your head on the chair, and (4) crying. Accomplishment of the first three usually resulted in the immediate occurrence of #4, but all in all things were running smoothly. Then you began to display a peculiar behavior . . .
See, where we are with the crawling is that you don’t. Crawl, I mean. You do rock on hands and knees, and here lately you stand up on your toes and do the downward facing dog move, and you will flop on your belly and then wiggle your arms and legs like an upside down turtle, but that’s about it.
Well, yesterday you were eating Mommy’s paper files, and suddenly you were standing up next to Mommy’s paper files. You combined your downward facing dog with two hands planted on a higher plane (the file box), and suddenly you were up and dancing. You seemed unaware of the great developmental leap you’d just made. I was dying of excitement. I caught it on video, miraculously, and now I just have to figure out how to make our video camera and our new computer talk to one another, and it will be up for the world to see.
You love to pat things. Open the book, shut the book, pat pat pat. Grab mommy’s face, pat pat pat. Sometimes when you’re tired you suck your thumb, lay your head on my shoulder, snake your arm around my neck, and pat pat pat. I don’t have to tell you that I am a sucker for this move.
I love you more more more every day! We both do. You’re a laugh sandwich wrapped up in a joy tortilla and smothered in delight. Mmmmmmm, tasty baby.