Pondering . . .
Today I am pondering why it is that right when I’m on a roll at work, blasting through stacks of crap and crossing off items on my to do list left and right, that is when everybody and their brother wants to come in and sit down and have a chat? It totally pulls me out of The Zone. I’m so rarely in The Zone at work these days, it’s such a shame to waste it.
I’d better go try to catch the Wave O’ Productivity again, before it coasts over my head and pulls me down into the churning, inescapable whirlpool of Blog Reading, House Hunting, and Other Personal Business. Have a good week!
PS Happy MLK, Jr. day! In honor of this great American hero my company has decided to have us all come in and work our jobs, just like it’s a normal day! I can’t think of a better way to show respect!
One Comment
Happy Mlk Day to you also!!!