Categorizing Things is Overrated


Jack is cutting ANOTHER tooth.  That makes 8 total.  For all you non-parents out there – this is an unusually rapid rate of tooth growth.  Most kids get their first, maybe start working on their second by this age.  And they usually cut one or two at a time.  What Jack’s tooth growing means is:
(a) he is advanced.  And a genius.
(b) he does a lot of screaming.
(c) if you hold him, he will gnaw on your face, so watch out.

One Comment

  • Nice Girl

    Dude.  I can totally vouch for this.  I had most of my teeth before I was a year old too…and I am clearly a genius.  I also enjoy screaming.  I, however, did not want to gnaw on anyone\’s face.  I just wanted to never ever sleep. 
    Yay for Jack!
    Amanda  🙂