I Drink Your Milkshake

Do Alabamans Drink Milkshakes?

Can.  Not.  Type.  Hands.  Freezing.  46.  Degrees.  This.  Morning.  Gaaaak.
Have I mentioned that I was born and spent many of my formative years in San Diego, CA?  This is not something I recommend.  It set a very high bar for climate expectations, which no other part of the country/world could ever hope to meet.  Parents of children in San Diego!  Move now, or doom you child to dissatisfaction forevermore!  Or else make sure they never move away from there.
So, with this in mind, Bates, ME looks even less appealing.  Perhaps we should move a little further south . . .
Feelin’ thirsty in Auburn, AL!
Campus Look – ?
Campus Feel – 7
Town – 4
School Size – 24,137
Student:Faculty Ratio – 16:1
Faculty – 1132
4BR 3BA – mid $200s to flirting with $300,000
Dude.  Football.
Patrick grew up at Auburn’s southern cousin, and had a wonderful childhood.  Also, this place pays pretty well.  But.  It is a small town with a big university, and there ain’t a lot happening.  It’s also way South, I mean, WAYYY SOUTH if you know what I’m sayin’, and I don’t know how Baptist I’m feeling today.  The only pictures I could find of the Auburn campus in my fleeting moments of research are of the same building, which means the rest of it is probably not as charming.  They don’t have a particularly cosmopolitan town center, though it does have a GAP, by God.  The early education seems decent enough, though class sizes in elementary schools are a bit large.  I could get a job here, too, and Patrick’s work would always be well funded.  And we would have some fun with the football craziness, which is something I really do love.  But I have a feeling that football is Auburn and Auburn is football and that is pretty much that.  Can a woman live on football alone?
What’s next?  Well, while we’re talkin’ California, let’s head back to The OC, shall we?

One Comment

  • NJaney

    I\’ve never been to Alabama, but I have this to say: Congratulations on your Two Year Anniversary!! Woo!!!!
    I went to school in PA, and one year we traveled to Penn State during Halloween and the big Penn State/Ohio State football game. We didn\’t have tickets but went down there for the atmosphere. I remember it being loud, crazy, drunk, big fun – great time. But you know what? I was 22. I don\’t know if I would love that same atmosphere at 34.