Wonder Woman Whine
See Wonder Women for a whine about having no money. UNLESS you find that sort of thing boring – and who wouldn’t – in which case, avoid Wonder Women at all costs this week! But know I feel better, after that therapeutic mind dump! And whoa, therapeutic is not a word that comes trippingly off the fingertips whilst typing, is it?
I wore a turtleneck to work today, one of two that I own and have owned for approx 5 years. I try my best, every winter, to become a turtleneck person. The things are practical and cute, and usually go with all kinds of outfits. I launch into turtleneck wearing each season with a renewed commitment to embracing them as a versatile and attractive winter wardrobe choice. And then by 10 a.m. I am tugging at the neck and flapping the bottom out to get some air and GOD I AM GOING TO SUFFOCATE IN THIS THING. IT IS LIKE WEARING HANDCUFFS ON YOUR NECK. I HATE THE WINTER. WHERE ARE MY FLIP FLOPS. Which is why I own only 2, and why each are half a decade old and yet look brand new. Because they’ve probably been worn 5 times each.
So. We’re boring on all fronts, today.