Categorizing Things is Overrated

Faith (Somewhat) Restored

Had to follow up that post with this one, directly after watching the Veep debate.  What a refreshing debate!  How fantastic to see two people state their cases, pretty plainly, and argue with one another civilly and skillfully.  I was impressed, for the first time, with Governor Palin.  I thought she did a really good job, as did Joe Biden.  I don’t think either won or lost, I think both performed exceedingly well and I feel a bit more like I know what their campaign platforms are.  There was the typical political stuff – the folksy schmolksy from Palin (heck yeah, darn tootin, etc.) and the jibe about a Bridge to Nowhere and the Bush Doctrine from Biden.  But for the most part they broadcast exactly what they stand for.  What a nice moment in politics.
The idiot commentators who swarmed in immediately after, of course, revved me right up again (why must we always resort to partisan bashing???  It is ok to respect the other side, and to respectfully disagree.  Argh.)

One Comment

  • NJaney

    I have the same frustration with message boards – but in the flavor of sports, not politics. The idiots are still present though – and it\’s hard not to reach through my computer screen, pull the morons out and use them to paper the bird cages…