Birth Story – The Gory Details Part One
On Wednesday, April 23rd, I went to an appointment, and my dilation was measured – a loose 1 cm. I was pretty excited by that news – things were coming to a head! I was 39 weeks to the day, and ready to have you OUT OF ME.
The next day, I lost my mucus plug. I was at work when it happened, peeing for the seven hundredth time that day. This time when I tidied myself up, there it was on the paper. A big old blob of clear snot, essentially, and though it was gross, boy was it exciting to see! I knew you were coming. It could still be a week, I was aware of that, but at least we were progressing.
That whole day, the mucus got thicker and thicker. The paper looked like I’d blown my nose on it. I know this is gross, but it happened, and I want to remember it – how proud I felt of my mucus deposits! Like – this is what my body is supposed to be doing. I get an A in pre-labor! Woot! I also watched it carefully for any pink or brown, though I saw none. I think I googled “bloody show” about seven thousand times that day. There was an issue with our sales department, and they all took me to lunch to discuss it that day. La Cocina is where we went, and I had some sort of spicy Mexican food, and put the leftovers in my fridge. After lunch, I returned to work and went through the motions for the rest of the afternoon, and then went home.
And then things got interesting.