Categorizing Things is Overrated

Palin, and I Don't Mean Michael

Taking a break from work, I watched a chunk of Palin’s address at the RNC.  I really need to sit down and watch all of the speeches from both sides, but so far I am somewhat ashamed to admit (only somewhat because I cut myself a lot of slack these sleepless days) that at this point I have only watched this snippet of hers, and listened to commentary on the others.
My reaction is the same as it was the day she was announced.  A big part of me is saying YOU GO GIRL! to this woman, this improbable, spectactularly ordinary woman (and I haven’t decided whether being a so ordinary is an asset or a liability, esp. when talking about the world stage) – I want to stand on a table and pump my fist in the air that in my lifetime I get to see this strong-willed young woman with young children take on this role.  People asking whether a mother should be allowed to run for VP (HELLO Dr. Laura I am talking to you!) are making me all the more thrilled that she is there, saying HELL YES WE CAN (I’m stealing Obama’s slogan, I realize.)  She and Hillary both are making me incredibly dissatisfied with my role at my job, and I’ll leave it at that.  Oh, and this – I’ve started looking at law school.  I’ll never go to law school, because it is expensive as hell and we are all done with borrowing money for school in this family, but how I would love to have opinions and also the credibility of a law degree so someday I can be like Sarah and Hillary, Amen.
And at the same time, every single thing she says makes me feel like she is the worst of America, the fierce, we-can-do-whatever-the-hell-we-want-because-we’re ‘MERKINS, BAH GAWD, AND YA’LL CAN KISS IT.  These are the people that make me cringe – the particular comment that stings is something about Obama wanting to read enemy combatants their rights before prosecuting them.  As if that is, like, so totally wimpy and pathetic.  Come ON.  These towel heads are terrorists, ya’ll, they don’t DESERVE ‘Merkin rights, they deserve JUSTICE, am I right???  Woo, and everybody cheers, and then she talks about over-taxing and over-spending and big government, as if she doesn’t come from the party of George W. Bush.  Puh-leeze.
It is important to me to be what we are trying to force other countries into being.  A place of human rights for all humans, even the most inhumane.  Where 17 year olds who get pregnant are allowed to marry their boyfriends and keep the baby, if that’s a family’s choice – OR allowed to put the baby up for adoption – OR make the most horrible choice that I can imagine ever having to make, one that I never would make, one that I hate is out there but I will always fight for the legality of.  A place where fewer 17 year olds get pregnant, because programs that tell them Don’t Have Sex But If You Do Anyway This Here’s a Prophylactic can get funding.  A place where two people can get married and we don’t look under their skirts to see if they, god forbid, match.  A place where faith-based stuff is protected, but also kept out of public schools.
So, in fine, I am so glad she is out there, because she shows that it can be done, five kids or not.  But lordy lordy, if she and McCain get elected then I am telling Patrick to apply to Canada schools.  For real.  I can’t handle all this social conservatism, it makes my blood pressure rise.  Which could be a problem, too, if we don’t have Obama to fix health care!

One Comment

  • NJaney

    I watched her speech last night – I was impressed with her speaking ability and personality. I did not watch any of Obama\’s convention, but followed the headlines…I can\’t stand Obama\’s preachy, so I stayed away. For the first time in my life I\’ll make plans to watch the VP debate as it\’s candid and less controlled – and I think that will help the the undecided public.
    I\’m registered Independent, but vote in MA – a decidedly Democratic state. I don\’t know, yet, how I\’m voting this year.
    Personally I believe this country is f*cked either way…there\’s just too much nonsense on the current plate for whoever takes office next January.