Categorizing Things is Overrated

The Spiral Into Madness

Turning thirty means becoming really busy, apparently.
I had big plans for finishing up my "A Look Back" thing and then doing a nice, thought out "A Look Forward" on my actual birthday, but that all got shot to hell by the fact that approximately seven zillion people came to my house over the weekend to celebrate said birthday, and then I came to work late Tues because the baby got his immunizations Tues morning, and then I rocked out the mama bounces baby routine all Tues night (immunizations = v. sad baby), and now I’m back at work Wed and haven’t eaten anything but cheese and crackers all day because I’m so busy my eyes could pop out of my head.
How the heck are you people?

One Comment

  • Aimee

    i am good…tired but good…
    and yes being a mom means being busy…but turning thrity only means that you are old if you let yourself feel that way…♥~♥ :oD because you shared a smile…someone\’s day got brighter… :oD ♥~♥